My New Bliss - Blogging With LightPaper

Posted by on January 21, 2016

(Update: I figured out the issue with the rendering error mentioned below: extra “:” in the post title.)

I have a problem. I’m constantly trying to find one new Markdown app after the other. Now I’ve got a new one I’m trying.

LightPaper isn’t without its quirks (trying to figure out why it won’t show my Jekyll header as a table for this post when it does for all the rest, for example), but so far, it’s kind of checking off the most important points for me.

  • Syntax highlighting for GFM.
  • Autocomplete of list bullets and other Markdown elements.
  • Markdown preview (though seriously, what is up with not rendering that Jekyll header??).
  • Support for Jekyll headers (except when it doesn’t work. Maybe I need to publish this first?).
  • Customizable styles for both editor and preview so I can switch to Courier New for typing.
  • Word count.
  • File browser in the left-most pane.
  • Tabbed interface for open files.

The fact that it supports GFM and Jekyll also makes it a viable blog editor/manager for me, and for $10 I get to support an indie developer, which is nice.