Is this on?

Is this on? Just checking. It’s been a minute.

From Jamf to Chef, Part 2 - The Sea Change (and figuring out a few basics)

“What I want,” Darren said, “is for everything, all configuration data, to be text files.”

To get the full effect of that sentence, you have to imagine it being said with a British accent, in a voice so low it often feels like he’s letting you in on a secret, and with pauses at least three seconds long in place of each of the commas.

This was day two of my employment at GoPro, and Darren, my boss, was explaining his vision to me. Since that time, I’ve come to realize a couple of things.

  1. Darren likes to make short, declarative statements and then wait for your reaction.
  2. My time as a Jamf admin is nearing its end.

Oh boy. Here we go.

From Jamf to Chef, Part 1

I’ve spent the last five years honing my skills as a Jamf admin. I started at eBay, working for one of the best bosses I’ve ever had (ohai Alex Dale). Since then, I’ve gotten my CCA and CCE and have had the pleasure of working for a number of companies where I’ve either implemented or improved on the Jamf framework, imaging workflow, and a whole lot more.

I’m currently working at GoPro as the Senior Client Engineer for the Mac fleet and I’m spearheading our conversion from Jamf to Chef. It is easily the most challenging thing I’ve ever done, not least because it is nothing like Jamf, but because you actually have to undergo a mindset change.

Here then, is a somewhat rambling, somewhat contextualized look at my process for moving from the safe, comfortable world of Jamf and into the frontier that is Chef Open Source.

Deploying Filebeat on macOS

Got a few questions about the way I’ve deployed Filebeat to transport OSQuery logs over the past few days, so I thought I’d do a quick writeup about it.

OneNote Updated for iPad Baby Pro - and it's Awesome

While working on the new iPad Baby Pro a few days ago, I came across this one issue with OneNote that kept it from working as well on the Baby Pro.

So, being the entitled brat I can sometimes be, I took to twitter to , uh, “demand” that Microsoft answer for itself.